Today is DAY 3(officially) that I am in my own HOUSE safely staying inside along with my son (school & daycare closed) and husband (work from home – as directed by government and now corporates). These are the rare days that we all are home and apart from the usual weekends and I already feel trapped. This situation has arisen due to the Pandemic COVID-19 which started in China and now has covered almost the entire world. I really appreciate the efforts that the INDIAN Government and MEDICAL staff have put in to control this in a country like ours where the HYGIENE factors are not that high nor is the awareness level. However with their continued effort, the officials have really worked hard to curb the virus in its STAGE 2, still, STAGE 3 & 4 as said is yet to come and it is the most crucial stage for our country. So as a responsible citizen we are trying to do every bit by staying at our Sanitized Homes and keeping the streets empty we are trying to make a difference.
Hmmm so why chaos I say because it’s not only chaos outside however with everyone inside homes it’s different chaos altogether that we are facing. Keeping the kids busy and engaged, supporting the workaholic hubby who is locked in one room attending calls and meetings on phone and WebEx is another challenge. Yes working moms like me are facing huge trouble keeping pace with the maids, helps, household chores, kids, and her work — this is ME.
However, we have to deal with it and keep our sanity intact thus today I am sharing those 5 most important things as a Behavioural Skills trainer I am applying in my life to find CALMNESS in this CHAOS. Being a super active woman one fine day sitting at home with kids and hubby all at home is a challenge I must say, however with these simple fundas you can be in your sanity and also let others also be in their senses do their work peacefully.
Let’s get started:
- FUNDA 1: Give SPACE to all: Understand your workaholic hubby needs his space to peacefully work and your super active child also needs his demands to be fulfilled. you can control everything as per you. If you try to keep things in your control like a Goffer (micromanager) you will lose everything. Better convert one room to the office where your hubby can work peacefully and concentrate. Understand IT and ITES as habituated with WFH (Work from Home) culture Financial institute is not as they can’t imagine work happening from home. for them, WFH is an opportunity to relax and less productivity however this COVID-19 lockdown situation in Gurgaon would teach many MNCs and Financial institutes that yes Productivity can happen from anywhere (especially if you have employees like my Hubby). When your hubby is sorted comes your kiddo don’t wake him up early to keep the habit of school-going let them relax and rejuvenate this time. till the time he sleeps you try to complete all household works to the maximum so that after he gets up your kiddo has your time. (that is what I am doing right now). You also need to see that his timings are matched of food play and study otherwise he would stand on your head every time. For my kiddo, he has morning 3 hours playtime with me and then 2 hours of TV time where I try to finish off my important works and then again noon 1-hour sleep or playtime at the Garden (when there is no one in the garden I take him down) and evening its study time 2 hours and then TV time 2 hours then dinner and then sleep. if you have help at home then its a support to you otherwise you need to follow these steps to have everyone accommodated
- FUNDA 2: DONT CRIB – Staying all day at home becomes an issue sometimes and we start cribbing about the situation and spread negativity around us. this is the phase that requires you to be happy positive and vibrant and not crib on things that you are not able to do your regular work and live a normal life. A situation like this test you as a personality and as a responsible citizen, you have to contribute. Don’t get carried away with the negativity around knib the negativity in the bud and see the positive side of it. The more you crib the more you will feel bad about the situation and it would show in your nature and reactions at home. The only poor fellow who will suffer is YOU. The more you FEAR this FEAR would overpower your mind.
- FUNDA 3: PRACTICE POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS – Daily 3-4 times you should say to yourself “I am Healthy and String”, “MY Family is Healthy and Strong”, “We are Enjoying too much together”, “We are a HAPPY Family”, “The World is a happy place”, “We are protected and safe”, “We have a Strong Immune System”. These positive affirmations would attract positive energy and would make you feel much better. Understand being mentally and physically strong is the key to have a balanced Mental condition. Tell your kiddo and husband also to keep repeating these lines whenever they have time.
- FUNDA 4: INVEST YOUR TIME IN YOU: With the daily hustle of everyday life you have neglected yourself a lot. Now is the time when Nature and circumstances have made you sit back at home and given you ample time to think about you better invest that TIME IN YOU. Play with your kiddo, Read books, learn something new of your subject, Look for an alternative option for your business, Revisit your cooking book for some lip-smacking dish, Do some stretches, Invest in doing some in-house exercise with your entire family, Have a fun family time (binge-watch a show, play board games, dance sing do whatever makes you happy) you will see that your kiddo to is not much asking for TV or Mobile but your time to have fun. This not only would keep your mind off the COVID-19 but also make your bond with your family and yourself much stronger.
- FUNDA 5: KEEP COMMUNICATION GOING: Communication is the key to keep all the miscommunication at bay. To communicate well with your life partner, business partner, colleagues, and family. Try to pass positive communication whenever possible because negativity is already there in the air. Keep your connection on with your near and dear ones through Virtual medium (thanks to the advanced technological system) for them to know you are safe. In case of any help needed talk to your partner and kid that your work is important too and you are working from home so you too need your time and space, I am sure they would understand well.
- FUNDA 6: KEEP HIGH STANDARDS OF HYGIENE AND BE AWARE: this is not only for you in your own house but also for your help and support staff. Educate them to wash hands and use sanitizer at every stage. Gift them one and tell them to educate their community where they stay in small jhugis and places because if the VIRUS breaks out there it’s very difficult to control. Sanitize your house, kids’ toys, all door handles, and floors that you touch when you come from out. Follow the advisory shared by MEDICAL officials of India and WHO to break the chain.